MxU Blog

Check 1, 2…Is This Thing On?

Sound check is a familiar time for most of us. A room that was once eerily quiet has now been filled with the sounds of people chatting and gear being set-up, instrument tuning and off-line rehearsing. Now, it’s finally time to “make noise.”

Rebuilding a Sunken Ship

In the church tech world, even missing one cue like forgetting to unmute the pastor’s mic can be a disastrous mistake. The behind-the-scenes stealth workers know as tech artists have a very high expectation every weekend. To be perfect is the normal. When every cue is right, every piece of equipment works the way it’s supposed to, everyone shows up on time and does their job, and everything goes perfectly, we did our jobs. We only get noticed when something goes wrong. It’s a crazy tough standard to live up to every weekend, yet we do our best to hit that mark every time.

Getting Your “Non-Tech” Team Up to Speed

Getting Your “Non-Tech” Team Up To Speed

Most church tech teams are full of volunteers. That’s no secret. Whether you’re a small church, a large church, or even a mega-church, your Sunday morning tech team is usually filled with volunteers. Since most of those volunteers don’t have the extensive technical background that we as leaders (hopefully) do, it becomes part of our job to educate these amazing people in the ways of the world of tech. The key is to do it in a way that is not completely overwhelming. In other words, we must make the complex as simple as possible. 

Perspective for a Successful Tech

You’ve heard the famous story of the tortoise and the hare. What an epic race of speed versus slow and steady. In the end, the slow and steady wins the race over the hurry. That story often reminds me of our perspective with tech production, especially in the church world. It’s the idea that the quick and immediate might fill a gap that is needed but usually doesn’t last in the long-run over nurturing, developing, or waiting. There are two areas in particular where I have tried to apply this idea of long-term perspective.

Designing an Ergonomic Workspace: 3 Essential Considerations for Optimal Comfort and Productivity

In today’s fast-paced work environment, user fatigue has become a prevalent issue that can significantly impact productivity and overall well-being. Prolonged hours spent in front of screens and engaged in repetitive tasks can lead to physical discomfort, mental exhaustion, and a decline in performance. To combat this, designing an ergonomic workspace becomes crucial, as it focuses on creating a comfortable and supportive environment that minimizes the risk of fatigue-related issues. In this blog post, we will explore three essential considerations for an ergonomic workspace: sightlines, reach, and access points, which not only promote optimal comfort but also play a vital role in combating user fatigue. By implementing these considerations, you can create a workspace that nurtures user well-being and enhances their overall performance.